All sites are organized from easy (less difficult language and/or English support) to challenging.
ELLLO (Education)
People from around the world talking about school and education. (With listening quizzes & script.)
EnglishCentral (Education)
Videos related to Education (with listening and vocabulary)
TED (Education)
Lectures and talks about education.
Check English scripts after listening once. Some have scripts in Japanese.
TED Ed Talks (with quizzes): Education
Japan Times Education
BBC Education
CNN Education
UNESCO Education
MOOCs (インターネット上で世界の有名大学の講義を無料で受講することが可能なサイトのことで,主に以下の2種類のサイトがあります。)
edX Education
Coursera Education
Practice Education Vocabulary on the Quizlet page or below
MOOCs (インターネット上で世界の有名大学の講義を無料で受講することが可能なサイトのことで,主に以下の2種類のサイトがあります。)
edX Education
Coursera Education
Practice Education Vocabulary on the Quizlet page or below